davee's magnificent (public) website

Hihi, I'm dave(e) and I like a lot of things. Below are a few of my interests.

Interest General info
My Little Pony I have liked ponies since October of 2023,
though I have been (briefly) a fan of it like in 2016 or smth.
Making videos Been making em since I was 10. Love the process.
Politics Caught up to main political things in almost every country,
moreso in Indonesia and the Netherlands.
Economics Learning the (controversial) benefits of a capitalist system.
Also what I'm studying in University.
History I would've studied this if there were jobs for it.
Nonetheless, still fascinating to learn.

I really enjoy meeting new people but it can be difficult sometimes.
Most of my friends are irl, though I have a couple close online friends too :)
Since I like tables, check these out to visit different pages.

Links (to different pages)
About Me
Video Repository
My Little Pony reviews
Friend Ranking
Computer Rigs
Other electronics

This site was assisted by my good friend ponky wonky!! :)

This site was created on the 20th-ish of June, 2024