
The public blog. I have a private blog and a private-private blog (my diary) but I don't share those things.
So here's a public one for you to enjoy!

Went to Australia - 18/7/24

Heyo, I went to Australia from the 5th to the 14th of July (10 days) to meet some online friends for the first time!
There, I met Ponka and Twibro (aka Starbro on discord), along with Twibro's friends. We went on a roadtrip with two
other friends and to Rottnest island. I was incredibly nervous initially but everypony was really welcoming and I had
an amazing time there. Will miss the trip and them very much.

Dunno what to put here - 30/6/24

I dunno what to put in this blog actually. I like making posts about life so I guess I'll make one about life. Hopes and dreams?
Uhhh, well I hope to be a better person of course. Meet new people. Do new things. Given the limited time I have, I want to do
something with it before it runs out. I don't want to look back on my life with regret but I don't really know where to go either.
I suppose things can just take time. We'll see I guess. (00.15, 1/7/24).

Head back.