MLP Reviews

A collation of the reviews I've made for every single episode I've watched.

Season 1 and 2 are incomplete because I started doing this mid-season 2.


SXEY “Episode Name” – Rating/10 (Date [the R means rewatch date])

S1E3 “Ticket Master” – 8/10 (R 6/1/23)

Snarky Twilight is best Twilight. This episode was good, I liked it quite a bit because Twily had to make an important decision
under the pressure of her friends and... etc.etc.etc.

Main Series
Links (to different pages) Score /10 Mean Score
Equestria Girls (peak) 10 7.25
Season 1 6 X
Season 2 X X
Season 3 7 5.40
Season 4 8 6.42
Season 5 9 7.00
Season 6 8 6.48
Season 7 8 6.76
MLP The Movie 9 9.00

Head back.